North Carroll Colts Success Story

Football combine app

North Carroll Colts Football Power Annual Combine With Evaluation App

Manchester, Maryland

10 Coaches

120 Players

The Challenge

After the COVID-19 pandemic, the North Carroll Colts football club saw a drop in its participation levels. To quickly get new players – and to create a buzz about the program around town – the club decided to hold a combine. No one in the area was doing it, and it was an opportunity to showcase the Kindergarten through Middle School players and have some fun.

But, the club’s Board of Directors had a problem. They wanted to be able to announce the winners of each age group at the combine. There was no way this would be possible if they used paper scoring sheets and had to manually tally the scores.

“When we were able to announce the winners in real-time, there was something very special about that”

- Richard Franchella, Board Member

The Solution

Board member Richard Franchella decided to search for a player evaluation app that would allow the club to provide real-time results to the players so they could announce the winners at the event.

During his research, Franchella found TeamGenius.

The Result

Powered by the TeamGenius app, the North Carroll Colts were able to hold their first ever combine. The festive day – which included concession stands, music, and other activities – was capped when the parents and players could reunite after the sessions to hear the results.

“When we were able to announce the winners in real-time, there was something very special about that,” Franchella said.

With the app, the club was then able to send each player a note thanking him for attending the combine, as well as give him his scores from each drill – and show how his results compared to those of his peers. The players and their parents loved being able to see how the athletes performed, and how they stacked up against the competition.

The coaches also found the results useful. They were able to look at the combine scores to identify the skilled players (including the running backs, tight ends, wide receivers, and quarterbacks) for the upcoming season.

“There is a strong correlation to how they performed at our combine and how they might perform at skilled positions,” Franchella said.

The results also identified how each player is progressing in his skills, and what areas he needs to work on.

“In my view, one of the best ways to get better is by keeping score,” Franchella said. “TeamGenius allows you to keep score. TeamGenius also allows the coaches and the board to take a step back and look at the program and the program’s athletes and families from a qualitative point of view.”

North Carroll’s combine was so successful, they are looking at expanding it next year, and are certain it will lead to an increase in the club’s participation.

“We wouldn’t have done a combine if we had not found an app that allowed us in real-time to announce the winner on the same day,” Franchella said. “We got a tremendous amount of value out of the app.”

Get Started Today!

Free for 30 days and up to 20 players.