Central Valley Premier FC Success Story

Soccer Player Evaluations

How Central Valley Premier FC Made the Transition to Digital Player Evaluations

Visalia, California

35+ Teams

500+ Players

The Challenge

When Jose “Chiva” Cuevas was hired as the Director of Coaching at Central Valley Premier FC, the organization struggled with player tryouts and team formations.

“It was a mess, to be honest,” said Cuevas, a former professional soccer player.

For one, the club was evaluating the players on too many criteria.“The criteria on the first year was probably like 15 different things that you had to do for each kid,” Cuevas said.

Also, the club was using paper forms — meaning the coaches were handwriting feedback on the players. It made it very different for Cuevas to read the evaluation forms and make out each player’s scores when trying to form teams.

“You look at the papers, and it’s just scribbles everywhere. I’m just like, ‘Dude, what does that even say?’” Cuevas said. “It made it super difficult.”

“For us, this is the next level. This is where soccer is evolving"

- Jose "Chiva" Cuevas, Director of Coaching

The Solution

Cuevas knew he had to get rid of the pen and paper evaluation forms, so he brought in the TeamGenius app to modernize the club.

“For me, it was a no-brainer,” Cuevas said.

He also had no problem getting approval from the club’s board of directors. They agreed it made sense to start using the app for their evaluations.

“For us, this is the next level. This is where soccer is evolving,” Cuevas said.

The Result

Bringing in TeamGenius helped Central Valley Premier’s coaches perform more accurate evaluations, it made the team formation process easier, and it showed parents that the club was investing in its players’ futures.

First, Cuevas had to get his coaches up-to-speed on how to use the app. He has a variety of coaches on his staff – from old-school coaches who don’t believe in new technology, to younger coaches who are all about technology and change. After demonstrating how to use the app, all of Cuevas’ coaches were on board.

“Even our older coaches were like, ‘you know, this makes it so much easier,’” Cuevas said. “It was super easy for them to use.”

It also made it easier for Cuevas to ensure the teams were formed correctly.

“All the coaches were like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom,” Cuevas said, about their team formation process in the TeamGenius app.

Get Started Today!

Free for 30 days and up to 20 players.