Learn how converting to player evaluation software can simplify your club’s tryout process
Picture your last tryout, were you well on your way to a record day on your pedometer racing between the registration table and the fields, and back again? Were you sifting through all the player forms and notes stuck on your clipboard attempting to organize a cluster of flapping papers blowing in the wind?
This doesn’t have to be you! Find out how easily switching to player evaluation software can help you stay organized during tryouts – all from the convenience of a mobile device.
Step 1: Customize software to fit your clubs’s needs
Using evaluation software can help simplify the pre-tryout and registration processes. Before the tryout sessions, coaching directors can customize the software to include the criteria that the club wants to evaluate players against. This can include specific skills and categories, and even a scoring system. Setting this up ahead of time allows the information to be readily accessed by evaluators when they arrive for the tryouts sessions.
This also helps to simplify the registration process. Instead of sorting through stacks of papers to check-in players, those assisting with registration can quickly find and check-in athletes in the software. This also makes it easy for walk-up registrants. They can be quickly added to the rosters and ready for tryouts.
“We loved the simple check-in process, and the ease of dealing with no-shows and walk-ups was very useful,” said LeeAnn Taylor, of the Queen City Volleyball Club, who uses TeamGenius player evaluation software.
If clubs choose, they can also have the athletes appear in the app by just their assigned tryout number and not their name. That method can reduce evaluator biases during the tryout process.
Step 2: Evaluate players on mobile devices
Using player evaluation software eliminates the need for paper evaluation forms. This can make it easier – and more importantly, more accurate – for evaluators during tryout sessions.
Evaluators can enter athlete scores into the app as they are watching the players in real time. This makes the athlete scores available to the other evaluators and administrators as soon as they are entered. If there is an error, it can be spotted and corrected immediately.
Evaluators, coaches, and directors who are overseeing the tryout sessions also have the ability to add comments and notes to the software. If a coach or director spotted something unique about a player this gives him or her the chance to make a note for others to see. This can help account for some of the intangibles clubs might not be evaluating directly, like hustle or sportsmanship.
“The evaluators were able to quickly enter scores for the girls, and could easily see where scores were missing. Better yet, the results were available immediately, without having to collect a bunch of papers and enter the scores into a spreadsheet,” Taylor said.
In the TeamGenius app there are also other built-in tools evaluators can use to simplify their process, including a stopwatch.
“Using player evaluation software eliminates the need for paper evaluation forms. This can make it easier – and more importantly, more accurate – for evaluators during tryout sessions. Get more tips on ditching the clipboard!” [Click to Tweet!]
Step 3: Analyze instant evaluation results
Having the scores available in real-time means clubs officials can instantly see player rankings without having to tally individual score sheets for each player. This allows coaches and directors to quickly be able to see how players performed by age and position.
“We really liked how we had accurate player rankings as soon as they stepped off the ice,” said Mike Terwilliger, the New Hockey Programs Manager at Minnesota Hockey.
It also allows directors to be able to compare players across different age groups and positions if they want to see how players stacked up overall, or when deciding team placement.
Having the results available instantly makes it easier for clubs to form teams. The ranking of the top-performing players will be readily available, allowing coaches and directors to see the scores and weigh in on other criteria.
Step 4: Send player results and feedback in real time
Using evaluation software makes it easier for directors to share results with players. Clubs can send athletes their individual tryout results directly from the software. This adds transparency to the process, allowing clubs to show players exactly how they performed and what scores they recorded. It also helps clubs notify athletes which team they were placed on, and have the stats to back up the decision.
During the season, clubs can also send players evaluations. This helps clubs give feedback to players on a regular basis, and helps athletes know how they are performing and what they might need to improve on during the rest of the season, or even the off-season.
Try player evaluation software today – start a TeamGenius free trial to get started.